5 Reasons People Hire Lifestyle Managers

It’s really interesting how I embarked upon this journey. I was an accountant by trade, working for production companies and talent agencies here in the Los Angeles area – then I evolved into helping entertainers, athletes, actors and singers with their personal finances – and over time that turned into, “Nasiha, can you find us a jet, a giraffe, plan this party, help hire my staff, relocate us to Spain for six months to film this movie…” I realized I was on to something very valuable and needed in the lives of super successful high achieving individuals.

So know that, hiring someone to help you with managing your life and/or your families personal affairs, is a gift to your progress! We’ve been conditioned to think we have to drown in doing it all alone – and that couldn’t be further from the truth. No matter who I speak to about this, everyone says the same thing, “Wow, you do that!?” So, I wanted to pop in and share quickly why you’d consider hiring someone to help you manage your life.

You don’t have to be a blockbuster actor or have an Emmy to incorporate this into your life, here goes…

5 Reasons Why You’d Want to Hire a Lifestyle Manager:

    1. You want to reclaim your time! You have a career or passion you are pursuing, and not just one thing, you have multiple things. You may even have children and a significant other (or would like to at some point!). There’s the house you want to buy, build or expand on. There’s the travel, meetings, collaborations – staff and your team. Your projects or having babies and no one in your life is overseeing that it all goes according to your plan.
    2. Start your dream project. You have other dreams and goals that you have put on the back burner because, well, there is no capacity of time or brain power to divert to another project. It’s common to have started projects that you, to this day, have not been able to complete because of the chaos that comes with being successful.
    3. Accomplish more on a daily basis than before b/c you have more structure in your schedule. Intentional living stresses taking effective action over personal comfort.
    4. You’re an actual human and not a super hero! Hiring a Lifestyle Manager helps you drastically improve your quality of life by absorbing many of your current tasks and projects. This free’s you up to have time and energy to take better care of yourself and improve your self-care and self love – mind, body and spirit.
    5. Improve your overall quality of life, personally and professionally. Start living a healthy, happier, and more purposeful life because you are better balanced with the help a Lifestyle Manager can provide.

I hope this gives you some insight into our world and we’d love it if you shared this article with your circle of friends.  Our team takes pride in helping others shine in their gifts while leaving the nitty gritty details to us!

Thanks for taking the time to read….


The Art of Intention & Creating Success

In my spare time I like to share things that are inspired by my daily life as a Lifestyle Manager. The topic of “having intention” came up recently. But what does it mean to live intentionally?

Living an intentional life is the opposite of living a life of chance with a lack of awareness. The clients I work with and people I surround myself with have one main thing in common, intentionality. My role is to eliminate chaos where it may be trying to rear it’s overwhelming head.

No matter what type of lifestyle you want to live, you have to ask yourself some questions to get you there. What are your long-term goals? Why did you decide to read this article? Why did you choose the foods that you did for your last meal? Why did you choose that last vacation?  Why did you choose the people you went with? And many more.  If you can’t answer these questions without giving it some thought, you’re not living intentionally.

By being more intentional, you stand a better chance of having the type of success you want. As an owner of a lifestyle management agency, and working with high net worth individuals, there’s a common thread between us all.


8 Things to Consider are:

  1. Intentional living requires making decisions. You can’t have any intention without having made a decision first. Sit down and choose a direction for your life. What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to own? What kind of life do you want to live? Make some choices and then choose your actions each day in accordance with those objectives.
  2. Evaluate your behavior. To live an intentional life, you must evaluate and understand yourself. Why do you do the things you do? Why do you fail to do the things you don’t do?
  • What motivates your actions each day? Are you moving toward short-term pleasure or avoiding short-term pain? Or are your actions directed toward an intentional purpose?
  • Before taking any action, ask yourself what your intention is. Are you heading toward the refrigerator to satisfy your hunger, ease your anxiety, cure your boredom, or fuel your body in a healthy manner for what lies ahead in the next few hours?
  • Evaluate all of your chosen and avoided behaviors. Learn what make you tick.
  1. Know your values and beliefs. Knowing your values and beliefs can make it easier to live intentionally. You might have the intention to live a life based on contribution, honesty, or love. Your belief that everyone should be able to read can guide your life. Giving your values and beliefs priority makes many of your formerly challenging decisions obvious.
  2. Stress important actions over easy actions. Intentional living stresses taking effective action over personal comfort. It’s about having a higher purpose than taking it easy. Continuously ask yourself, “Is this the most effective action I could be taking?”
  3. Choose your habits. Most of your habits seemed to develop on their own. It’s important to choose your habits. Habits can mask your intentions by removing the thought process from the equation.
  4. Know your intentions for each day. You may have a broad intention of having financial freedom. A narrower intention might be to be debt-free. From there, you may have the intention of saving more money so you can pay down your debt faster. Your intention for today might be to avoid any spending that isn’t absolutely necessary.
  5. Be proactive. Want a new job, more clients, or to start a new business venture? Start taking action to make it happen in advance. The alternative is to wait until you’re out of time. Then you have few options and you can’t really live intentionally. Don’t place dice with the things you say you want.
  6. The key to intentional living is mindfulness in all parts of life. Mindfulness seems to be the cure for everything except a cold!
  • Be mindful of your intentions, thoughts, actions, and goals. If you’re truly mindful, you’re already living an intentional life.

An intentional life creates more thought than an unintentional life. You must make conscious decisions and question your thoughts and actions. Seek to be more aware of your desires and choose your behaviors accordingly. Habits can be the bane of intentional living unless you chose your habits intentionally.

Be mindful and take responsibility for your results, and you’ll find that more of your results will satisfy you.

Thanks for taking the time to read….


Bye-bye Chaos, Hello Peace

When people think about chaos their minds usually go directly to organization of material possessions – and that’s true to a point but it’s much bigger than that. If you want to say bye-bye to chaos because you have a thriving career, an active family and a personal life, you’ll have to to do more than organize your way to peace. That said, I’ll start with the physical and move into the mental clutter that comes with success and living a life of intention.

Clutter messes up more than your living room. When your home and work spaces are in disorder you’re likely to feel more anxious and depressed – even when there are positive things happening, the reality can put a dark cloud over you.

Studies have found that individuals who say they have too much “stuff” describe themselves as drained and overwhelmed. They also have higher level of cortisol and other stress hormones, and they have more difficulty completing tasks because of their disorganized environment. This can really impact you in your career and other areas of life.

Find out how clutter is affecting you, and pick up some tips for bringing physical and mental clutter under control. I’ll share a few of the tips we share with our clients below:


Controlling Physical Clutter

Imagine how great you’d feel when everything is taken care of, clean and orderly. Whether you have a staff or are the only persona managing your own life, a few minutes of intentional order each day make a big difference for your peace of mind when you are home.

  1. Buy less. Fight clutter at its source by resisting the urge to add to your possessions. Prepare a shopping list in advance so you stick to purchasing just what you need. Find other ways to entertain yourself besides browsing online stores.
  2. Toss stuff out. Go through the things you already have. Sort out what you can throw in the dumpster or donate. Try setting parameters like discarding anything you haven’t used in the past year that has no sentimental value. There are tons of people in need, donating is a great way to thin out.
  3. Store things away. Once you’ve figured out what to keep, think about how to make it less visible. Filing cabinets and trunks can keep essential documents and out-of-season clothing on hand but out of view. This is something you or your assistant can do in a weekend. 
  4. Set up a maintenance schedule. Remember that dealing with clutter-chaos is an ongoing project. Schedule an appointment with yourself or your assistant every 6 months to review how things are working.

Controlling Mental Clutter 

Conquer those disturbing thoughts and digital overload by adopting some constructive new habits:

  1. Disconnect for a while. Put aside an hour or two each day to turn off your phone and stop checking social media. (Gasp!) For higher quality sleep, stay away from the TV and computers for at least an hour before bedtime. I know it’s hard, but successful people need as much sleep as you can get!
  2. Set specific goals. Planning your activities and creating priorities shows you where to channel your energies. You can enjoy making progress without worrying about what else you’re supposed to be doing.
  3. Filter information. Do you feel bombarded by advertisements, social notifications and news stories? Try becoming more selective about what media you consume. Leave the TV off unless there’s a program you plan to watch. Limit the number of web sites you visit on a regular basis and remove social notifications except for one primary platform. The others you can check when time permits. 

It’s a good time to transform your outer and inner experiences. A peaceful environment decreases anxiety and enables you to devote your energy to the things you love; and shine at!

Thanks for taking time to read….
